NEW PSA from AHA, AMA, ANA Urges People to Get Vaccinated and Protect Themselves from Serious Illness Due to COVID-19 DELTA Variant

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The nation’s physicians, nurses, hospital and health system leaders, urge people to get the COVID-19 vaccine as protection against COVID-19, particularly the Delta strain. The majority of people currently hospitalized due to COVID-19, or tragically dying from the disease, are unvaccinated.

The groups stress that the vaccines have undergone a rigorous process and been proven safe, effective and life-saving but ultimately getting vaccinated comes down to a choice everyone must make for themselves. If people have questions, they are encouraged to talk to a health care worker they trust to get answers.

Please run this PSA from the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association and the American Hospital Association to help share information with those who are undecided about getting vaccinated.

Thank you,
Amy Lee
American Hospital Association

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