Susan G. Komen PSAs – The Moment that Changed Everything

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Susan G. Komen® is aiming to inspire people and communities to support those impacted by breast cancer. Every 12 minutes, a woman in the U.S. dies from breast cancer — but it’s the power of community, united by hope, that can put an end to the disease. Using that message of hope without shying away from the stark reality of the illness, the ads showcase authentic and striking imagery that call for the support of those in need today as the organization pursues tomorrow’s cures. By highlighting the individual moments in one’s journey that truly tell the story of those inflicted by breast cancer, the Moments campaign is generating an unprecedented response, including 2.4X digital engagement versus prior year. Unite with us to end breast cancer.

Join our fight. Save lives.

Please help us support those impacted by breast cancer by airing this PSA.
On behalf of the Susan G. Komen, thank you for helping us share this important message.

Jay Key
Director, Digital Engagement & Analytics
Susan G. Komen

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