Don’t Die of Doubt PSAs

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Hospitals are still the safest place to be when medical emergencies strike. Tragically, many people may still avoid hospitals out of fear of the coronavirus. To help save lives, please share and use these English and Spanish-language PSAs from the American Heart Association to encourage people not to hesitate or doubt the need to call 911 at the first sign of a heart attack or stroke. Minutes matter in an emergency and hospitals are prepared, even during a pandemic. Viewers and listeners can find out more on or

The American Heart Association is a content-sensitive organization. Our public service announcements (including but not limited to print, radio and television) should not be downloaded or used by any entity publicly positioned against any ethnic, religious or political group, includes adult sexual content or promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco, candy or sugar-sweetened beverages.


TV PSAs Click to load and view in player

Stay_Home_:30_Broadcast_PSA (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay_Home_:15_Broadcast_PSA (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay_Home_:30_Spanish_Broadcast_PSA (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay_Home_:15_Spanish_Broadcast_PSA (Kill Date 10-01-21)

Radio PSAs Click to load and view in player

Stay Home :30 Radio PSA 30R (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay Home :15 Radio PSA 15R (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay Home :30 Spanish Radio PSA 30R (Kill Date 10-01-21)
Stay Home :15 Spanish Radio PSA 15R (Kill Date 10-01-21)