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Pediatricians urge families to add extra layers of protection to keep children safe around all sources of water in the home

ITASCA, IL (May 19, 2020) — The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging parents and other adults to plan multiple layers of protection to keep children and teens safe around water this spring and summer. This is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, as children spend more time at home with caregivers who may be distracted by work and other responsibilities.

“Drowning is the single leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4, and it’s one of the top causes of death for teens. As children are at home more due to social isolation recommendations, they may have more access to pools, bathtubs, and other sources of water – all of which pose a drowning risk,” said pediatrician Ben Hoffman, MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Council on Injury, Violence & Poison Prevention.


TV PSAs Click to load and view in player

Toddler Drowning Prevention :30 TV PSA
Toddler Drowning Prevention :30 Spanish TV PSA
Teen Drowning Prevention :30 TV PSA
Teen Drowning Prevention :30 Spanish TV PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :30 Drowning Prevention TV PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :15 Drowning Prevention TV PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :60 Drowning Prevention TV PSA
Nicole Hughes :30 Drowning Prevention TV PSA
Nicole Hughes :15 Drowning Prevention TV PSA
Nicole Hughes :60 Drowning Prevention TV PSA

Radio PSAs Click to load and view in player

Toddler Drowning Prevention :30 Radio PSA
Toddler Drowning Prevention :30 Spanish Radio PSA
Teen Drowning Prevention :30 Radio PSA
Teen Drowning Prevention :30 Spanish Radio PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :30 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :15 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA
Bode & Morgan Miller :60 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA
Nicole Hughes :30 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA
Nicole Hughes :15 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA
Nicole Hughes :60 Drowning Prevention Radio PSA

Web Banners Click to download

Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 1 160 x 600
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 1 160 x 600
Digital Media
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 1 728 x 90
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 1 728 x 90
Digital Media
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 2 160 x 600
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 2 160 x 600
Digital Media
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 2 728 x 90
Drowning Prevention Web Banner Ad 2 728 x 90
Digital Media

Interviews Click to load and view in player

Swim Lessons
Inflatable or Temporary Pools
Life Jackets/Open Water
Bathtime Safety
Layers of Protection
Children of Color Drowning Rates
When to Start Swim Lessons
What to look for in Swim Lessons
Teen Drowning Rates
Best Life Jacket to buy
Backyard Pool Protection
Drowning Rates Children Ages 1 to 4
Rules for Water Watchers
Role of Inflatables in Water Safety

B-Roll Click to load and view in player

B-Roll: Bathtub Safety
B-Roll Inflatable or Temporary Pools
B-Roll: Swim Lessons
B-Roll: Barriers
B-Roll: Parent Supervision
B-Roll: Life Vests
B-Roll: Water Activities

Logos Click to download

American Academy of Pediatrics Logo
Digital Media

Documents Click to download