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During the pandemic, many children have fallen behind on their routine childhood immunizations – including vaccines that are important to protect them against deadly diseases like whooping cough and measles.

The American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents to call their pediatricians now and get caught up as quickly as possible. It’s safe, and important. There is no vaccine yet for children against COVID-19, but we can protect them from other diseases that could make them very sick.

Please help us share this message by airing our PSA on children’s check-ups.

AAP also offers other PSAs related to the pandemic, including:

What to do if your child is struggling emotionally during the pandemic

When is the right age to start wearing a cloth mask, and how to be sure it fits  

On behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, thank you for helping us share important messages to improve the health of all children.

Susan Stevens Martin
Director of News, Media and Public Relations
American Academy of Pediatrics

TV PSAs Click to load and view in player

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Covid-19 Masks :30 English TV PSA
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Keep Teens Safe near Water :30 TV PSA
Water Safety for Toddlers :30 TV PSA
Protect Against Measles :30 TV PSA
Keep Kids Active :30 TV PSA
E-cigarettes and Teens :30 TV PSA

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